Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Reading Week 15: The Ramayana, Part F

Wow, the last reading is already here. Can't believe how fast these 15 weeks have flown by. I decided to spend my last reading by continuing the Ramayana. I have really enjoyed this reading and it has been fascinating getting exposure to things I wouldn't have if I didn't take this course. I liked the part where Rama curses the ocean. Cursing the ocean - an example of something I wouldn't have read if I wasn't in this class.

Rama curses the Sea: (Blogspot)

Bibliography: The Ramayana by William Buck (Link)

Week 15 Reading: The Ramayana Part E

This week I continued reading The Ramayana, and it is starting to get very weird (which is always more fun to read). Some of the things talked about I will reading and think to myself 'what just happened.' I love the obscure characters and series of events, I never know what to expect. I liked the part when the mountain Mainaka hides under the ocean in fear of Indra, but then comes out to give Hanuman a chance to rest. This was a very interesting part of the reading, and I enjoyed getting exposed to this version of the Ramayana.

The Ramayana: (Wikipedia)

Bibliography: Ramayana by William Buck (Link)

Monday, November 20, 2017

Reading Week 14: The Ramayana, Part D

Sita gets abducted!! Best part of the reading right here. It reminds me of when Daenerys Targaryen gets taken by the Dothraki. It was smart of her to drop down her jewelry to the monkey's beneath her so they would know exactly where she got taken. I like this idea of getting kidnapped and am going to try to incorporate this in a story during the semester. I am liking this other version of the Ramayana as it is very exciting. 

Daenerys Targaryen: (Flickr)

Bibliography: Ramayana by William Buck (Link)

Reading Week 14: The Ramayana, Part C

This week I continued reading the Ramayana into part C. I liked the part when Bharata goes with an entourage to go find Rama. This reminds me of a story I wrote when King Dasharatha goes with an entourage of nine men into the forest. It is cool seeing how all the stories are tying together and relating to each other. For my project post this week I am thinking about including something different about Rama.

Rama: (WikiCommons

Bibliography: Ramayana by William Buck (Link)

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Reading Week 13: Ramayana Part B

The opening part of this reading was very surprising, and I liked it! In my stories I have always tried to thrill the reading and take turns they were not expecting. When Dasharatha plans to make Rama his successor, I thought it was just going to play out normally and Rama would be the next King. But Kaikeyi uses two promises that Dasharatha owes and Rama doesn't only not become king, but he gets exiled! I thought this was a very good twist.

Bibliography: Ramayana retold by William Buck (Link)

Ramayama: (WikiCommons)

Reading Week 13: Ramayana Part A.

This week I read Buck Ramayana. It was weird seeing Sauti tell the story of the Mahabharata because we have already read that this semester! It was very cool seeing King Dasharatha in the story again, because I have included him in a story in my portfolio. In this story, he prepares a sacrifice to obtain sons. In my story, and went to fight the ten headed monster to get sons. I liked the reading this week, and am looking forward to reading B.

Bibliography: Ramayana retold by William Buck (Link)

King Dasharatha: (WikiCommons)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Week 12 Reading: Seven Secrets of Hindu Calendar, Part B

This next part of the video focused on Narayan. I thought it was really interesting how when Narayan sleeps, the world has no form and no identity. This shows the type of power he has, and that was really cool. I think this is what I will write about in my story, and maybe somehow fit in the elephant from Reading A. I thought Part B was a better video than part A, and I will focus more on it in my story this week.

Bibliography: Seven Secrets of Hindu Calendar (Link)

Narayana: (Wikipedia)