Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Week 12 Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of Hindu Calendar, Part A

This week I chose to watch Seven secrets of the Hindu Calendar, Gods and Goddesses. I'm not sure if I was the biggest fan, so for next week I might try and find more comic tales. But, it was interesting to watch about the different Gods of Indian Epics. I remember reading a student's storybook about the elephant, so it was good to see where that came from. Maybe I will incorporate a God into my next story, but we will have to see how I begin brainstorming.

Bibliography: Seven Secrets of Hindu Calendar (Link)

Elephant God: (Pixabay)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brooks, just a quick suggestion of something to read: do you like modern thrillers? There is a book by Ashwin Sanghi that is a modern thriller interspersed with the ancient legend of Krishna, and it is really exciting! There's a super-cheap Kindle version, and you can read it on your computer, on your phone, etc.; more info here: The Krishna Key. It's a really cool way to learn about Krishna while also getting a sense of the way myths and legends are still alive in India today in the geography, religion, etc.
