Thursday, August 24, 2017

Introduction to the Blogger

My name is Brooks Burgin, and I have lived in Dallas, Texas my entire life. I have been an Oklahoma football fan since I can remember, so the choice of school wasn't too difficult. I am a junior majoring in Finance and Accounting, with interest in obtaining a job in investment banking or real estate. I spent my summer in Austin working for the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, and am glad I am far away from those Texas fans down there. Now enough about the boring stuff, I'll start sharing other things about me. I am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan. Nothing makes it a bad day more than a Cowboys loss. I try to go to as many games as possible (yes, even when I'm in Norman). I'm still waiting to live through a super bowl, and I think this is the year. I played football in high school, but wish I played golf because I recently discovered that I really love it and am really bad. On June 26, 2015 my claim to fame occurred - a hole in one. I was 157 yards away with a pitching wedge, and drained it. That is by far the best day of my life, and maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to do it again. Another activity that I enjoy is grilling. Whether its steak, chicken, pork, who cares as long as there is meat on the grill and cold beer. Eating is like a hobby to me, because food just simply tastes really good. My favorite movie is Stepbrothers, and I have seen it way too many times. Other movies I love are Shutter Island, Animal House, and Hall Pass. I guess now I'm a daily blogger, so I'll add that to my resume here. That's a short summary of myself, and I'm looking forward to reading about y'all.

Grilling Steaks: (Pixabay)


  1. Oh, that is a great story about your hole-in-one, Brooks! And listen, there is someone from the OU golf team in this class; at some point you'll be connecting up with him in the comments — here's his Introduction: Blaine the golfer. And I'm always trying to get people do a miniature-gold themed project for this class, Epic Golf or something like that... maybe you will give it a try! Writing Style: Amusement Park - Miniature Golf :-)

  2. Hi Brooks! First off, those steaks look amazing, I love food as well but I'm not very good at cooking but I'm trying to get better! I bet living in Austin this summer was so fun. I've only been to Austin once when I went to ACL, but I just loved the atmosphere there and all the food which I'm sure you enjoyed too!

  3. Hi Brooks!

    I am also a huge cowboys fan since I am from Dallas. I went to three games last year, but hope to go to more this year! I am also a big food person. I had never cooked before college and had to figure it out once I moved out of the dorms and my sorority house.

  4. Hey Brooks! That's awesome that you made your first hole in one that day! That is definitely a challenge that it's difficult to meet. It happened to be the day after my birthday as well! I wish I knew how to play golf as well. I am horrible at it, but I do like to just play for fun. You would get along well with my brothers, because they both love to eat (as do I), but especially meat. I wonder what the hype about Stepbrothers is. Not to burst a bubble, but I've seen it and wondered why it was a crowd favorite. I do find it funny though, just not amazing lol. Shutter Island is a definite good one, but I haven't seen Animal House and don't remember much about Hall Pass. I'll have to check those out! Good luck the rest of the semester, it was great meeting you!

  5. Hey Brooks. I'm a Pats fan, so let me be the first to say: winning a Super-Bowl is over-rated. I mean, once you've been in 5 or 6 of them, it gets kind of repetitive. But I admire your patience in waiting for the Cowboys to make it! I've also never understood why so many Texans like Oklahoma football. You'll have to explain why you were a fan even as a youth!

  6. Hi, Brooks!

    I am also huge football fan and was raised an OU fan. I was actually a Miami Dolphins fan growing up because I really enjoyed watching Dan Marino, but once he retired, I drifted away from the team. I don't really have a favorite team anymore, so I just root for former OU players.
    I also love the movie Step Brothers (my second favorite movie behind Pulp Fiction).

    Congratulations on the hole in one! I played golf once and was absolutely terrible, so I haven't played since, but I wouldn't mid trying again.

    Good luck on the rest of the semester!

  7. Hi Brooks!

    I have to say I admire your dedication to the cowboys! I don't know if I love any sports team enough to routinely drive hours to watch them play. My dad is a big cowboys fan, and a few years ago my family went to tour the stadium. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I really enjoyed reading your blog!

  8. Hi Brooks!

    Fellow Texan, DFW citizen, Price College Student, and Cowboys/OU football fan here! I'm really impressed that you made a hole in one. I call it a good shot when I actually make contact with the golf ball of any sort, even if it goes the opposite direction I need it to. So a hole in one would be a dream! I really enjoyed your intro, and the picture of steaks. Steaks are the best!

    Good luck on the rest of your semester! Happy blogging :)

  9. Hey Brooks!

    That's cool that you're from Dallas, I'm from right down the road from there in Fort Worth! Did you know that Dallas never would have been a city if Fort Worth wasn't there first? Just something to think about. It seems like we have a lot in common. I also like to golf, I don't have a hole in one though so you may be a little better than me. I also like to grill and am big fan of the Cowboys and OU football. Pretty good weekend for both teams this week, huh? Stepbros is one of my favorite movies too! Maybe we can meet up and watch it together sometime!

    Nice to meet you pal.

  10. Hey there Brooks,

    That's pretty chill you're from D-town. Were you by any chance HP's QB? Though I saw some pretty sick highlights, but I could be wrong. I'm a Boys fan too and I think this is the year. I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog posts, especially your stories.


  11. Hey Brooks! Not only am I glad to meet another Dallas native but I am glad to meet another fan of America's team. I always get grief from my friends from Houston but I love to remind them that the Boys are the biggest franchise in the NFL for a reason. I also am a huge carnivore so when I saw your steak picture, my mouth watered.

  12. Hey Brooks,

    That's awesome that you were able to get hole in one. I am terrible at golf, if I ever get a chance to play, I get really excited when I score some points too. I hope to learn how to play as well as you. It's also cool that you have already been to Dallas Cowboys games, I heard they are a lot of fun. I love food too especially if it's really tasty. I enjoy trying different cuisines, it really changes your perspective on types of food.

  13. Hey there Brooks! You seem like a really cool and laid back guy! I know NOTHING about sports and honestly couldn't care less, but I still think it's great when others are big fans and enjoy following teams:) I too love Shutter Island! Plot twists are one of my favorite entertainment elements and Shutter Island did a great job with that! I can't wait to see what kinds of stories you create.

  14. Hi Brooks!

    Unlike everyone else it seems, I am actually not a huge football fan, nor do I understand how it works... But it is always great to see someone be super passionate about something! Oh, man, I wish I knew how to work a grill. I think that sometimes there's nothing better than getting to cook and eat with the people you love.
    I look forward to seeing the stories you come up with!

  15. Hey Brooks! It's so cool that you played football and are also trying to pick up golfing! I suck at sports but I still play for fun too because why not :-) and honestly one of my favorite hobbies is eating too; I am always, always snacking on something or wanting to cook so I can eat half of it while making it haha. I've sadly never seen Stepbrothers but I have heard it's a great movie so maybe one day I'll end up watching it. Good luck in this class and I look forward to reading your stories!

  16. Brooks,

    It's crazy that I'm just now seeing your blog! We have a lot in common; I am also from Texas (pretty close to Dallas, just a little more west), and I can't wait to move back after college. It's almost dinnertime at my house, so your picture is making my mouth water.. haha!!!!! Good luck with your semester and I can't wait to read some of your stories and your project!

  17. Hey, Brooks! I think its wonderful that you're from the Dallas area, because I am, too! I lived in Coppell, and graduated from Coppell High School in 2016. I also share your love for the Dallas Cowboys; it pained me when Ezekiel was suspended for six games. But, I agree, I think this is the year for them to get to the Superbowl! I really hope it happens, since OU football (which is obviously my college team of choice) disappointed this past weekend. I wish you the best of luck with your semester, and look forward to reading some of your stories!

  18. Hey Brooks. I hope your semester is going well. I think its great you chose to come to OU being from Dallas. Also, I really enjoyed your story about the hole-in-one. I could only dream. Further, I am also a Cowboys fan. So, I assume you know whats going to make good thanksgiving, a sad Chargers team. But anyway, I am sure that you try to have a few of those bad boys in the image during the game! But anyway, I hope the rest of your semester goes well and finish strong!
